Shos has been making videos for her business lately.

One of the most critical parts of making a video is the editing process. That's where the story is told.

The trickiest part about editing is getting everything to sync.

Have you ever watched a video and the audio was out of sync? Even a second's delay can make the experience unpleasant and make the video hard to watch.

A lot of life is like that. When two things or two people are in sync, it can be a beautiful thing. If they're not, chaos can ensue.

Today, September 24, Shos and I celebrated our 5th marriage anniversary. A lot of what we do daily is all about trying to stay in sync.

When we are in sync, it's a beautiful thing. Thank God, for the most part, that has been the case.

But when we're not...well, it can be rather unpleasant.

Are you in sync with the things you're doing and the things that are around you? What can you do to make it that way?

PS: If you like reading the blog or find the information insightful, share it with someone. Quote, screenshot, whatever you like. A like button would probably be easier but I'd rather you share the ideas with someone. Don't be selfish! :)


send me recommendations
and ideas or just say hi :)