As an adult, to disconnect from work and truly play is harder than some may think.

"You're wasting time." "You have bills to pay." "You haven't reached your goal yet." "Your family is depending on you."

Watching a little child play can seem so effortless. That's because it is...kinda.

Play is a child's job. They get "paid" to do it. They don't worry about anything else really, and they take it very seriously.

For most adults, work is...well work. And play is, in most cases, still work. We're almost always thinking about the bottom line and how things will affect how we eat and where we live and how much money is in the bank.

It's hard to just do something just for pure enjoyment and fun. No rules, no motives, no goals. Just some good 'ole play.

But when we's priceless. We connect with our childlike self. We become children again, even if just for a moment.

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