So much to do,

So little time.

So much to buy,

So little money.

At the beginning of August, I started The Basics. My biggest aim since then has been to make it super fun for the people who've subscribed as well as myself. There are so many plans that I have, so many great and exciting ideas that I want to explore. If only I had the money.

And I haven't given up all my other projects either. So finding time to do anything has become a very deliberate action. There's so much that I want to do, so much that I have to do. If only I had more time.

PS: If you like reading the blog or find the information insightful, share it with someone. Quote, screenshot, whatever you like. A like button would probably be easier but I'd rather you share the ideas with someone. Don't be selfish! :)


send me recommendations
and ideas or just say hi :)