...is sometimes the hardest thing to see.

I've been meaning to do my Splint Podcast for some time now. I think I had originally wanted to start it before The Wonderlist. But I couldn't quite seem to find the right guest. Most of the people I know who are business-related or who I've considered to interview were far away.

Then on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, I had a call with someone who reached out to me on Instagram. At the end of our call, something prompted me to ask him to be my first guest. He agreed, but then the interview fell through.

I was a little bummed, but the fuse was already lit. I knew the time had come for me to finally start the podcast. But who would I talk to?

While recording an episode for The Wonderlist, my wife and I started having a routine candid conversation. It wasn't long before a light bulb went off in my head.

"This is it!"

"Why didn't I think of this before?"

"My wife owns a business, why not interview her for my first episode?"

So without her knowledge, I nudged the conversation in that direction. I knew that it wouldn't be polished, but the first is the worst they say. And what could be better than having my wife on my very first episode? And to think she was right in front of me all this time.

It turns out that what's in front of us is sometimes the hardest thing to see. Just try looking at you nose or eyes without a mirror.

Tricky right?

PS: If you like reading the blog or find the information insightful, share it with someone. Quote, screenshot, whatever you like. A like button would probably be easier but I'd rather you share the ideas with someone. Don't be selfish! :)


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